When I think about my future, what am I most afraid of?
I’m probably most afraid of never doing anything meaningful.
Some days I think I’m good at my job. Other days I can’t figure out what I’m doing it all for. Most days, my motivation for keeping my business running is to make sure my parents get all of their money back. They’ve invested so much into me, but I feel like I’ve been a failure.
Not only do I feel like I’m a burden, but I also can’t think of any legacy I’d be leaving behind if I died now. The thought of being forgotten is scary to me, but I honestly don’t know what I have to offer this world. I’m not sure what my talents are, or if I really have any, for that matter.
If I could figure out what my true passions are and what I think my calling in life is, I would love to use that to change the world around me. But that’s all stuff that I’m yet to find, and I’m just hoping my search for it won’t lead to a dead end of nothing.
Lately I’ve felt like I’m good for nothing and it’s not a good feeling. So I want to find myself. And maybe that’s why I’m answering these prompts.
I have no idea where to really start looking, but I’m going to try to start by finding answers to these questions: (1) What could this world use more of? (2) How could I contribute?
Hopefully these questions can help me figure out what the meaning of my life is.
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