Dear Taylor,
How are you real?!
And how did I ever live without you in my life?
Actually, I already know the answer to that, so let me tell you.
Before I ever met you at that dance, I was in a dark place. I based my self-worth on whether or not guys liked me. And that way of thinking lead me to a pretty low point in my life.
I honestly didn’t think I would make it to an age that I could be married. Sure, the idea that there was a man out there for me was cool. I even prayed for him almost everyday when I was 14. But I still couldn’t have ever dreamed up the amazing person that you are, or even imagined that I was be lucky enough to live my life with you right now.
I remember when I first met you that I felt something new spark in me.
I immediately knew that you were special and that I didn’t want to screw things up with you by moving too fast.
Other than my siblings, you were the only missionary that I missed. And it was so crazy to me because we had only hung out a handful of times at that point.
But it totally makes sense now.
You are my soulmate.
And here we are nearly 10 years later, and I wouldn’t want it any other way!
You are a strong, sexy hard worker. You are so kind and generous, talented, intelligent and hilarious.
You are an absolute dream! And so is being married to you.
I love you so much that it makes me cry when I think about it. And you make me feel so loved, which also makes me cry. How could somebody so amazing love me and want to be married to me?
Thank you for all that you do and choosing to be my person. ♥
Adorable! This is the cutest thing I've ever read. <3