Wednesday, February 20, 2019

My Angels of February 19th

I went to bed five hours ago, but I haven't had one ounce of sleep since then.  I don't know why, my mind just won't relax and my eyes won't stay shut.
So I decided I'll stay awake and plow through the day so I can hopefully be exhausted enough to sleep by tonight.

Yesterday was February 19th, which is kind of a meaningful date in my books.  It is a day that reminds me of three angels I have in my life.

1. Melissa  
This picture is from TEN years ago!? We're getting old, haha.

February 19th is my best friend's birthday.  This awesome gal has been in my life since I was 11, and since then we have had many adventures together.  Being around her is healing, and she has been there for me through some big events in my life.  I don't know if this is starting to sound slightly romantic or what, so I should probably just wrap this up now.
Anyway, I love Melissa and I feel grateful to have such a wonderful friend.  She is a great example to me, and I am so happy that she was born!

2. Grandad  
I found this picture on my Auntie's Facebook.  I think it's perfect ♥ 

It was February 19th when my Grandad passed away.  That was the first time I had one of my loved ones die.
It took me a long time to be able to talk about him without immediately bawling. And I really haven't looked at his pictures too much since he passed away, maybe for that reason.  Because I know I'll start crying if I think about how much I miss him.
But why have I been so afraid to cry about it?  It's okay to miss him.
On this restless night I realized how long it has actually been since I've really let myself just cry because I miss my Grandad.  It has probably been five years, so that's what I'm doing now.
He was a steadfast man, always full of wisdom and love.  I hope to become as gospel-centered as he was.
Until I get to see him again, I can feel comforted knowing that he is one of the many angels that watch over me.

3. Lawless  

Last year on February 19th, my dog came into my life.  I knew he was one of the cutest little puppies I ever did see and that I wanted him in my life, but little did I know that he would be helping me through one of the roughest times I was yet to experience.
To make a long story short, my then-husband left me at the end of February, on a night that he knew my family was out of town, and I was left with my broken heart and my tiny "healer" puppy.
Having your spouse decide to stop loving you is a pretty painful thing to process.  There were times that I felt like it wouldn't matter to anyone if I just disappeared, but I'd remember that this tiny little puppy needed somebody to take care of him.  I felt a little needed, which was enough to keep me around for a little longer until I could get out of that dark place.
And he took care of me too.  Lawless would sleep next to me in my bed as I lay awake, snuggling up to me when I felt like nobody would possibly want to be near my miserable self.  He'd whimper with me as I broke down and cried everyday, and come sit in my lap for more snuggles.  He kept me company when I felt so alone, and loved me even though I didn't feel like I deserved anybody's love anymore.
Sometimes I get frustrated when he barks his head off or when he immediately shreds up every nice thing that I get for him, but I guess I was asking for it when I named him Lawless.  He is actually such a sweet dog that helped me get through something I didn't know I could get through, and for that I will always love him.

I am happy knowing that I have been blessed with so many angels in my life, both on this side of the veil and the other.

This post also made me wish that I had more pictures with my loved ones.  I need to be better about capturing those moments!

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